Friday, January 14

Grace and the Greenbrier

My appreciation for Grace Kelly -- and all things related to Grace -- began over twenty thirty years ago, when my parents took me and my sister to see Rear Window at the Garden Hills Cinema in Atlanta in the early '80s. Oh, how I wanted her wardrobe, her pearls, her handbag, and most certainly her Mark Cross overnight bag. (Still do.) Not to mention dinner at 21 with a handsome man. Other films starring Grace such as To Catch a Thief and The Philadelphia Story only made my love grow stronger.  I'm not sure if I can put my finger on exactly why I am so intrigued by GK. Maybe because she seemed like a princess before she was truly a princess. When we visited the Greenbrier last year and came across this portrait, my husband had to pry me away from this room.  Love her.